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Stop the Bleed Treatment Pack – Includes access to our 100% Online stop the bleed training program

$195.00 (inc GST)

Online Stop the bleed Training can be completed without this package, click here for course details

Treatment of severe life-threatening bleeding requires specialist knowledge and equipment. Here is a kit to do the job and the training you need to use it.

Do the Maths – You need to help yourself, not wait for help
Do the maths, 5 to 6 litres of blood in the body. The heart beats 70 times a minute and ejects about 70 ml of blood. That equals 4.9 litres of blood circulated by the heart each minute.

So your heart can eject your entire blood volume in minutes from arterial bleeding. Yes, I understand the variables, but the principle remains the same.

Arm yourself with the knowledge about how to use this equipment in

Online Stop the bleed Training can be completed without this package, click here for course details

Our stop the bleed pack is for work sites or people who work in high risk occupations where are at risk of arterial bleeding through workplace injury. It contains the following essential items to add to your first aid kit that are not normally found in first aid kits to help you control arterial bleeding and large wounds.

1 Combat Application Tourniquet

2 Emergency or Israeli military trauma and haemorrhage control wound dressing/bandage

1  FCP09 30*30cm especially for torso and large bleeding areas, emergency or Israeli military trauma and haemorrhage control wound dressing/bandage

10 20cm * 20cm Combine dressings to pack wounds

1 pair of paramedic shears to cut through wetsuits clothing etc

1 personal protection pack including gloves and eye protection

Free access to our 100% online “Stop the Bleed” Training package (3 Hours Duration for Continuing Professional Development) contact us for a coupon code

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