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Would you be able to save someone’s life?

Be Proactive, not Reactive, It could be too late!


February, 2019




Our Mind ray D1 Defibrillator has  the latest technology to assist in a emergency situation  beacause its affordable, reliable and  easy to use and we will replace your old technology AED with the latest technology Mindray AED to give you the best chance of saving a life in a crisis.

We want you to have the best chance of saving a life. We are offering $300 cash back for any AED you trade in to upgrade to the latest technology Mindray Defibrillator.

If you do save a life then we will donate an AED to any organisation you choose. Its our way to pay it forward.

 All AED brought in will be  disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.

Mindray products are used in hospitals around the world.

Download a comparison chart here

“More Australians die of Sudden Cardiac Arrest each year than die of Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Aids, Road Accidents and House Fires all combined!”

Your AED has been sitting in that cabinet on the wall, thankfully it has not been used yet. Its pads and batteries are due to be renewed again. Maybe its time to upgrade to the latest technology with great features. Buy from paramedics, the people that use them everyday.

Latest Generation technology and design at realistic prices.

Small powerful and amazing.


Fastest Time to First Shock

Colour Animations and on screen text prompts

Auto-adjusting of volume and brightness

A button to switch to paediatric mode

Optional AED tracking system via Wi-Fi

Help button with video guide

Highest IP55 rated for dust and water protection

Adheres to latest ANZCOR Guidelenes (escalating energy over 200j)

Simply want to know more?

Contact us and we can arrange a demonstration.

AED Demonstration Request

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